Ahhhh Ashley, with her darling hat and sunny disposition. I have followed her on Instagram for a while but had never met her in person until the HAVEN conference in July. I had the good fortune of sitting in on one of her lectures and was completely smitten- right along with everyone else.
Ashley is an Interior Designer, DIYer and Blogger who lives in Logan Utah with her husband Preston and son Don (and some fur-babies) She blogs about home décor tips and renovations and is VERY WELL KNOWN for her beautiful photography and her Instagram Account @athomewithashley
When I met Ashley, she had just returned from a trip to Paris; so beyond sharing her amazing talent with you in general, I wanted to share some insight from Ashley about traveling with a kiddo (Don is 4). I also wanted to share what she had to say about hitting the PAUSE button in her very plugged-in life and what that meant to her*.
What are some thoughts on traveling to Europe with a kiddo?
We were forced to slow down so we were able to see lots of parks, seeing Paris through his eyes was magical! Another tricky thing was food, it is hard for him to eat at home but with foreign food it was SUPER tricky. He survived on crepes and snacks we brought from home.
What would say about the experience of traveling with Don in general?
I’m really grateful that we got to travel with Don! He made some things more fun and some things harder. But, at the end of the day, I want him to experience the education that travel teaches.

Your life revolves around technology and your home. What was it like to step away from all of that and hit pause for this special time with your family?
Being unplugged on this vacation was pretty great. I was off my phone and refilling my cup. Seeing new things and being super-present felt so good!! I’m beyond grateful that we went on this trip and I didn’t want to waste one second. I had more time to listen to read and listen to podcasts. With all of the pretty sights, I was beyond inspired! Recharging has felt so good! I’m a bit of a workaholic when it comes to my house, but it’s important to slow down and enjoy the beauty that’s right in front of us.
You wrote something on the last day of your trip that I LOVED and that perfectly captures what The Inspired Tourist is all about. Can we share that here?
“Just go.” ✈️ It’s the last day of our trip. I’m endlessly grateful for the memories I’ve made and the adventures I’ve had! 💗 One of my favorite parts of travel is the realization that a few hours of travel can change everything. Your view, your outlook, your perspective. Physically changing your location is a great way to reset things! Try it! Even with a long drive! ✨”
Thank you SO MUCH to Ashley for letting us share her experience with you and for the beautiful photographs. Want more? ( I know you do) Follow her on Instagram @athomewithashley and on her website at https://athomewithashley.com/
You will love her how-to and tutorials, she even has an e-book! For more about her trip to Paris with little Don, you can check out her Stories on Instagram for lots of fun videos and photos. Don’t forget to check out her blog posts also!